Hey there! I’m Mikala—a wife, mother of 5, family doctor, well-being advocate, and the author of Ordinary on Purpose. Each month, my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

I'm PRO-aging

I'm PRO-aging

It is strange and fascinating and almost a little hilarious that we are still being sold the fountain of youth. Perhaps even more strange and fascinating and hilarious is that in so many ways we believe it!

We buy the products, the serums, the diet plans, the ‘all-natural’ supplements, and we hope they will provide what marketing promises. Anti-aging! But the truth is, anti-aging doesn’t exist. We are ALL aging. I’m aging. You’re aging. She’s aging. If we’re still alive, we’re aging. And anything that promises you otherwise is predatory.

Today we can’t scroll for more than two seconds without stumbling upon an ad, we can’t drive a mile or two without encountering a billboard, we can’t watch our favorite show without a commercial popping up. All claiming to have THE answer to prevent aging. As if aging is bad. As if it isn’t a gift to be here—still—into our forties and fifties and sixties and beyond. As if we haven’t earned every bit of wisdom and grace and the hard-fought love of these tummy rolls or our glistening gray hairs.

I think we’ve forgotten what a middle-aged woman looks like.

I think we’re missing out on the fabulous beauty midlife has to offer while trying to cover our age spots and blemishes with creams or smooth our crow’s feet with medicated patches or inject away our forehead wrinkles.

An ‘all-natural’ supplement will not prevent your aging. A skin serum with retinols and ceramides will not prevent your aging. An exercise program or diet regimen will not prevent your aging. Even menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) will not prevent your aging. And though some of these things may improve your daily quality of life, your mobility, your muscle mass and balance, or your menopausal symptoms, you WILL AGE nonetheless!!!

Let’s be very critical of those claiming to have found the fountain of youth. Let’s unfollow the accounts touting pseudoscience and solutions for anti-aging. Let’s save our money and focus on sustainable and lasting health through the years. And let’s remember—always—that aging is a gift.

Let’s be PRO-aging. And embrace the years.

This is Adolescence

This is Adolescence

Raising Big Kids is SO GOOD, Too

Raising Big Kids is SO GOOD, Too