Hey there! I’m Mikala—a wife, mother of 5, family doctor, well-being advocate, and the author of Ordinary on Purpose. Each month, my writing reaches millions of women, but I am thrilled to be connecting with YOU. I’m truly grateful to have you here!

It's About How We Love

It's About How We Love

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday season?

Maybe it’s the commercials and lights and music and expectations mixed with the relentless messaging to slow down and enjoy every moment but also the itty bitty reminder that we, as parents, are responsible for the memories of our kids’ entire childhoods combined with the idea that we don’t have to do it ALL plus the underlying niggly guilt that we should always remember the ‘reason for the season.’

It feels like a lot. Right???

I heard on the radio recently that 45% of the US population would prefer to skip the holiday season altogether!!

I hate that. But also, I get it. Sometimes the holidays feel completely out of control!!

So, here’s what I’d like to remind everyone as we head into the long Christmas weekend: It’s OUR holiday!

MY holiday. YOUR holiday. HER holiday.

We each get to do this season however we see fit!!!

And remember…

It’s not about the food on the plate, but about who is sitting around our table.

It’s not about a beautifully decorated home, but about how welcomed people feel when they step through our door.

It’s not about being the BEST parent ever and creating perfect holiday memories, but about showing up for our kids the best way we know how.

It’s about relationship. And connection. And ensuring day by day that our people feel loved.

The holiday season is not about what we DO, it’s about how we LOVE.

Here's wishing Happy Holidays to YOU!

A Day To BE

A Day To BE

I'm Prepared

I'm Prepared